NCLI Fellows Online Application

This is the application form for Cohort 19 of the NCLI.
The NCLI is piloting a hybrid format for Cohort 19 which will consist of three residencies. The first residency will take place October 19-26, 2025, at the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) in Shepherdstown, WV. The second residency is virtual and is scheduled for January 12, 14, and 16, 2026. The third residency is back at NCTC and will take place June 7-13, 2026.
Some agencies/organizations require pre-approval (before applying) for training over a certain dollar amount. Please check with your agency/organization about their requirements should you be selected. 
Please note that participation in the NCLI requires a significant time commitment. Accepted fellows are expected to attend and participate fully in all three residencies, peer group calls between residencies, and make significant progress on their chosen adaptive leadership challenge.
Ideal applicants are those who are:
  • responsible for making progress on an adaptive challenge
  • reflective and resilient; ready to be challenged and up for deep leadership learning
  • willing to explore the edges of their own competence, understanding that their repertoire is likely inadequate given current pressures and expectations
  • curious, introspective, open to exploring divergent diagnoses about the challenges they are facing
  • willing to explore their own blind spots and the ways they might also be a part of the problems they are trying to solve
  • hungry to reconnect to a deeper sense of purpose and to one another
  • up for experimenting with novel approaches to their work
Some participants have found the training to be emotionally challenging. Please be aware that parts of this training may exacerbate stress and/or mental health issues that might make the applicant vulnerable emotionally.
Please read the requirements and considerations detailed above and confirm your agreement and understanding. *
What type of organization do you represent? *
Please tell us how you heard about the NCLI *
Have you applied to the NCLI previously? Please indicate which cohort(s) / year(s). *
The applicant resume should be two pages or less, and should only detail job experiences that highlight your leadership potential and conservation experience. Please use file naming format Lastname_Firstname_Resume.
The applicant essay should be two pages or less, and should include why you're committed to natural resource conservation, the types of leadership roles you've held and/or aspire to, and should address any other scoring criteria that has not previously been addressed in your nomination or recommendation letters. Your essay should be written using your authentic voice rather than a technical style. Write the essay with sincerity and from your heart, highlighting your commitment and passion. Please use file naming format Lastname_Firstname_Essay.
Nominations must come from the organization's CEO or Director. The nominator will write a letter explaining why the nominee should be chosen to participate in the NCLI. The letter of nomination must be signed by the CEO/Director/Lead of the organization. Please use file naming format Lastname_Firstname_Nomination.
Applicants must solicit three people to write letters of recommendation. One recommendation letter must be from the applicant's current supervisor. Each letter should name the applicant and include the recommender's signature. Recommendation letters should illustrate the applicant's ability in the following areas:
1. Courage/ taking risks
2. Leading organizational change
3. Motivating people
4. Building effective coalitions
5. Delivering results
6. Decision making ability.
Please use file naming format Lastname_Firstname_SupRecommendation. Replace SupRecommendation in file name with Recommendation2 or Recommendation3 for the other two letters.
Letter 1 - Current Supervisor
Letter 2
Letter 3